Saturday, June 17, 2006


One of my best friends, Stephen, got married today. I attended the ceremony, along with the rest of the board, their spouses, and Clancy. Two other band members were there as well. Very nice wedding, but it was very obvious that his new inlaws are very pretentious. The wedding was at River Oaks Baptist Church and the reception was the Junior League of Houston. My other best friend, Leslie, and I ended up being our usual selves, cutting up and laughing the entire time - during both the wedding and the reception. I have never seen so many stuck up people in all my life. I hope to God that my wedding was not like that, and that if I ever do get married again (not looking like it right now) that it is not like that either.

I just felt so sorry for Stephen's mother, Joan. As soon as she saw me, she grabbed me, and would not let go. She did not look very happy at all during the ceremony either - just looked like she was attending a funeral for a very close family member.

Even though we laughed and cut up, we were mainly doing it because we realized that we were losing a very good friend. It will never be the same from here on out. I miss Stephen already, and he has only been married for a few hours. He's already at the airport, their flight leaves in an hour...I am so depressed, it's not even funny. I don't want to lose him, but then again, I need to support him through this. Both Leslie and I kept saying that this was the nicest funeral we ever attended. A part of us died today, watching Stephen walk down that aisle.

Monday, June 12, 2006


I just started a new job. I find it...well, I don't know if I find it amusing or disgusting...that when one begins a new job, it's like they must figuratively pee all over the office to mark their territory. And another thing, they must inform everyone about their great achievements. As if getting the job wasn't good enough of an achievement.

I walked into my new office today, and immediately started looking around to find ways to change it so it will be "mine." Good riddance, ye olde employee - I am here now. You may leave!

And then, to top it off, I was over in another office later this afternoon, talking with 2 other ladies. We were discussing what we did this past weekend (they were talking, I was listening), and one of them made a comment about how she felt she was tired today due to the fact she had partied all weekend. She then made the comment that she was going to do absolutely nothing the rest of the week after work, so that she could rest and be ready for next weekend's party. Both ladies looked over at me, as if it was my cue to complain about all the partying I did over the weekend as well (I was yawning at this very moment). I shrugged, and began my little achievement talk. "Well, I'm tired today because I'm the President of two different non-profit organizations, and I am pretty busy all the time on the weekends doing work for those two groups." Jaws dropped to the ground, as I knew they would...the questions immediately began. What do you do? What groups are they? Wow. What do you play? What does that look like?

I know I am not the only one who does this. I've seen others do it as well. The thing is, I don't like it. But, I don't know how to shut up and quit trying to mark my territory. Maybe I should do it in a sense to set boundaries, but I think sometimes it can go overboard. *sigh*

Saturday, June 03, 2006


I have come to the realization that the more I know, the more confused I get. I think I know things about other people - but then when I get to know them, I get more confused about what I know. I need to go to Kemah and sit to ponder my state of knowledge and my state of confusion.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...