Monday, August 14, 2006

Time in a Bottle

I had an interesting experience this past weekend. I met my college roommate Saturday night, as she had borrowed my Soprano Clarinet some time ago, and was returning it to me. I had not seen her in quite some time (almost a year), and had only met her daughter one time. I had never met her son...her daughter is 5 and her son is 3. We had roomed together for a year in college, and were workout buddies the following year, as we roomed next door to each other.

Anyway, my roommate and I used to talk several times a month, mainly complaining about the men in our lives and how our lives were turning out so different than how we thought they would. Things seemed to be the same as always, for the most part. We were the same old friends, with the same old problems. Except, I am now happily divorced without children, and she is unhappily married with two small kids.

For the past 6-8 months, we really haven't talked that much. She had told me that she had been busy with work and the kids, and was tetering on divorce with the husband. I have been busy with work, the band, and coming to terms with the fact that I had not dated anyone in 3 years (my longest dating drought ever).

She was going to be in the Katy area Saturday night, and suggested we meet at Chuck E. Cheese's. I hadn't been in one of those since I was young enough to actually go there to play games...this would be my first time to go as an "ADULT." I was like a fish out of water. I really felt uncomfortable being there - I had absolutely nothing in common with anyone in that entire restaurant. And my roommate was, as she should be as a parent, more focused on where her kids were than on a conversation with me.

I didn't realize until then just how much time had changed things between us. We no longer had a lot in common. We didn't have anything in common anymore, and it was like we didn't even know each other anymore. Even though I had been feeling like I had been swamped at work and with the band, all the sudden I was the "single friend" who was free to do whatever whenever and wherever, with whoever. In a way I had been envious of her in the past, because she had two beautiful kids, and was making things work with the family...but, looking around me, I was happy of where I was emotionally and spiritually at that very point in time.

I realized that it wasn't me who had changed - it was her. I was still my old goofy self, but she had to give up everything of herself for her kids and family. She turned to me at one point that night and pointed to a random child who was screaming very loudly, and told me that child was the perfect method of birth control. I believe she was right. For a split second, the old roommate came out, as she ran over to the blue screen to act goofy so she could be on the Cheese TV that is shown all over the restaurant. She got a couple of laughs from parents sitting not far from us.

I walked away thankful for what I have, and for what I don't have. It was an interesting evening out, to say the least.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Sometimes it is good to get out and experience other cultures from what you are used to. Last night, I attended a German Beer Fest in Round Top, Texas, population 77. I think the entire town plus some were there. A couple of friends of mine performed in a German Polka Band at the Fest, and that was how I found out about it. On the menu was German Sausage, Sauerkraut, German style mashed potatoes, bread, pickles, peaches, and of course beer. I chose to drink tea instead. Beer is not my thing. But the experience as a whole was fabulous...there is a lot of tradition in the German culture, and part of the festivities were in done in the native language. People got up and danced to some of the music, we all sang along to a german beer song, and even did the Chicken Dance! It was good to get out and experience a new culture - to see what others perceive as important, and fun.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...