Monday, February 05, 2007

Take a Breather

I decided to take another trip to Galveston this past weekend. I ended up working on band stuff while down there, but it was so relaxing at the same time. I basically went looking for places to have the band perform at. A trip to Moody Gardens, the Lone Star Flight Museum, Galveston State Park, the Seawall, and the Strand were all in order. I got several very good pictures while out too. I realized that winter is a really good time to visit there, as not a lot of people head to the beach when it is cold outside. I don't know why I didn't realize that before.

I headed down there before lunch, and got back around 6 pm. I need to take more trips down to Galveston. It does a body good.

Friday, February 02, 2007


I am surprised what some people will do for money. People leave jobs to make better money somewhere else. They get desperate and steal or rob or they sell everything they own. All for money!!

I am in the process of re-financing my house. I wanted a better interest rate, and I wanted the PMI off my mortgage. It just annoys the crap out of me at how the loan officer is sooo pushy at getting everything turned in. He calls me 2 or 3 times a week..."have you done this?" "I need that." "Make sure you do this." I realized he wants his commission and will stop short of making me go ballistic on him to get his money. I had to get pretty rude with him one day so that the point would get across to him that I do work, and cannot talk while at work.

And then there is the appraiser. He annoyed me too. I tried to tell him that I can't talk during work, but he must be deaf because he still tries to call me while I'm there. I told him when I could meet, and that was not good enough for him...he wanted to meet before that date, and wanted to know if my mom could meet him if I couldn't make it out. My mom doesn't pay the mortgage on this house!

And I am doing all of this for I said, I'm surprised what some people will do. Apparently, I'll allow people to annoy the crap out of me.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...