I am confused. I'm confused about being confused. I'm not sure why I'm confused or how I got here, I just know that I am here. Not knowing how or why I am here is causing problems, since I have no idea how to leave this state of mind and correct the issues at hand.
I think for one, I might have too many irons in the fire. I have not been able to get away and go to Galveston lately. It's a good problem to have in a way...I haven't been able to go because I have spent the weekends for the past month and a half with Jeff. I've had no free time to go put the irons in order of importance. I need to do this.
Between having to hire a new band director, convince the last one that he is no longer the director, help plan the vacation I'm going on this weekend, plan the weekend outings we do every weekend, train the back up person to do my routing, start planning the upcoming concert, continue planning the anniversary concert, work on the ACB convention planning, board meetings for three different non profits, spend time with the new boyfriend, and deal with some people up at work that are annoying, it can get a little overwhelming.
I think that is my main problem. I have too many things to do, and I don't know where to start. I need to sit and write out everything I'm doing, and what the priority is on each of them. That will help a lot.
Having someone new in your life can be stressful at times too. I had loads of stuff to do before, and now I am working a relationship into the mix. I appreciate the time I get to spend with Jeff, and with every new relationship there will be some times where we have to sork through some issues. I think we can work through these issues - they're more growing pains than anything else right now. It's just adjusting to having someone else with you.
Once I get my priorities straight, I think I will be good...now, just to make time to prioritize...