Thursday, December 06, 2007


Tomorrow is the two year anniversary of my grandfather passing away due to cancer. It's been an emotional week for me. I thought I would be handling his passing better than I have. I really miss the conversations I'd have with him when I was there for the holidays, and when I was on the phone with him. I felt like he was one of the only ones who really supported me in my goals and dreams.

I know he was in a lot of discomfort in the last phase of his life. All three of his kids put their lives on hold to help him transition with ease and with his family near him. He went exactly how he wanted to go - at home with his family by his side.

My mom was holding his hand as he left. She had to tell him that everything was ok, and that they would take good care of my grandmother. He was such a trooper...he was trying to hold on long enough to make sure she would be alright, and to get some space between her birthday and his passing. He passed one week to the day of her birthday. Shortly before he died, my mom heard him call out his older brother's name. Uncle Bill had died not long before, and we believe that Uncle Bill was there to welcome him to the other side. I believe that at one point Papa was holding hands with both Uncle Bill and my mom at the same time.

I'll always cherish the time I had with him. I can't wait to be able to see him again and tell him about everything I did after he left.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...