Monday, December 26, 2011

Traveling Abroad

For 4 1/2 years Jeff has heard me talk about wanting to go to Europe...more specifically anywhere in Ireland, and Paris.  I'd also love to travel to Australia as well.  For the entire time that I have told him about wanting to travel to these places, he has told me that he has not had any desire whatsoever to travel outside the United States. 

The four years that he spent in the Marine Corps jaded his view of other countries.  It wasn't really the Marine Corps was more military in general.  I think that if he had spent time in any one of the four branches, he would have felt the same way.  I'm also not sure if I would call it "jaded" either.  He says that he has seen first hand how and what other countries feel and think of Americans.  I do not doubt this.

The point that I have tried to make to him was that I was not planning on trying to blend in with the locals in these countries.  If and when I was to take these trips would be to go on an all inclusive trip where we would have an English-speaking guide, most activities and meals set up for us before hand, and be able to stay in well known hotels. 

Nope...not going to happen, according to Jeff.  If we want to see Paris, we can go to Las Vegas and go to the Paris Hotel and Casino.  If we want to go to someplace tropical, instead of going to Cancun, we can go to Puerto Rico so we won't need a passport.

This Christmas, I read to him, the Christmas letter one of my bandmates sent to us.  In the letter, she spoke of going with her daughter and high school band to Europe for a Band Trip.  They played all over Europe, sight-saw, and experienced local food.  It was all-inclusive, and they had a fantastic time. 

Now, Jeff is all for going overseas!  We've done some looking online, and Disney has a service that will set you up on these type of trips, albeit for a price.  But, you know you are getting top notch service since it is a Disney vacation!  I sure hope he continues this, and follows through with his word that we can now go to Europe or Australia.  One of his former co-workers has also invited us to come stay with them in New Zealand.  Hello!

Christmas and Richness

It is amazing how things come into perspective at certain times.  Here we are at Christmas time...the time of sharing, of giving, and of spending time with family.  It has also been one of the most difficult of years for everyone, with the economy horribly in recession, Texas dealing with a severe drought, and finances being tight.  But, we still managed to have a wonderful Christmas, full of surprises, presents, and good food.  We all sought out the best deals in the stores and online for presents, and were looking for deals in the grocery stores for food.  It feels like we have a lot more money than we do right now, and that is the way it ought to be.  We are not rich because we have a lot of money - we are rich because of the family and friends we keep around us. 

Of course, there are family members I wish were here with us, but that is a part of life.  We have done remarkedly well with what we have and how we have prepared everything.  That is the most important part.  I wish we could feel this way the entire year.  But that is what makes this time of year special. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Concert

This past Sunday, the band had its annual Christmas Concert.  It was a bittersweet day for me.  My manager had allowed me to take the day off to attend the concert, and my supervisor actually attended the concert.  We knew we needed a very good showing because we were financially strapped for the year, and needed to get as close as possible to ending up in the black.  What actually happened was beyond belief!  We sold 710 tickets to the concert, and ended up in the black for the year because of all the tickets sold!

One of the new things we have started doing since being at the church is that we have access to use the screens behind the band to put images on.  The youth group has also set up a concessions stand to sell drinks and snacks at, with proceeds helping out the church...of course the band also gets a little part of that as well. 

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...