Thursday, November 29, 2012

Divorcing Family

When we met with Harold and Janet, they informed us that they had gotten rid of the cat that Dad and Sharon had.  That cat was one of the last things Dad bought for her.  We were later able to recover the cat from the kennel.

They did not want to pay anything for the funeral, even though the note blamed them for everything. Michael and I ended up getting into a screaming match with them, and it took Jeff and Renee to keep Michael off of Harold.  He pushed Leslie to the spot that Dad committed suicide, and made her stand there.

Harold told me that I was a dishonor to the family.  Leslie tried to tell me to leave the house, even though it was not her house.  I put it right back on her, and told her it was not her house and she could not kick me out of it.  I also told her if she had nothing positive to say to me, to just not say anything positive at all.

It took Mom going over to smooth things out a bit, and even at that, they said that Michael and I were not welcome at the memorial service they were holding at the house.

Michael is seeing a therapist for his anger issues.  He cannot hold these feelings in without doing damage to himself, Renee, and their marriage.  I am struggling myself, but not as bad as what Michael is going through.  I realize I am allowed to be angry while grieving, but at some point I need to let go of the anger.  I know they will have to answer for being responsible for Dad's death.  Maybe not in this lifetime, but they will have to answer.   That is the only consolation I have.  I know I will be able to let this go when I am done grieving, and know that God will take care of them when it is their turn to stand in front of Him.  I would love to be there to see that, but more than likely will not.

But, I am no longer related to any of them.  They are no more family to me.  They have killed my father, and for that they will answer.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Life and Death Part 2

Yesterday morning, while I was doing some research to help Michael and Renee get the ball rolling for Sharon, I got a phone call from Jeff's sister, Mendy.  Jeff's Dad passed away yesterday morning.  We now are dealing with two deaths in the family within a week of each other.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Life and Death

On Thursday, November 15th, 2012, I got a phone call from my brother.  He had something to tell me, but would not tell me until I was inside the house and sitting next to Jeff.

Sharon had gone out of town earlier in the week.  She had spoken to Dad on the phone Wednesday evening (November 14th), around 8 pm, but told him she would call back when she could hear better.  When she called around 10 pm, there was no answer, and no answers the few times she called the next day.  At that point, she called Michael to ask him to go by and check on Dad since he was not answering the phone.

Michael had to crawl in to the house through an open window in the back. All the lights were out, but the TV was on.  Michael knew immediately that something was wrong.  He found Dad in the front entry way (it was actually hidden from the back of the house - where Dad would know that whoever came home would come in from).  Dad had shot himself in the chest.  Michael would swear that Dad had shot himself in the wasn't until he read later on that it was a chest wound.

Dad did leave a note.  At the time of this writing, Michael is the only one who has read the note.  The police kept the note for a few weeks, but has finally released it to Michael.  From what I understand, the note was pretty much blaming Harold for Dad's death.

After I got off work on Sunday, November 18th, Jeff and I headed to Austin to get Sharon's car, and drive it to Ft. Worth so she could have her car.  We stayed up there until Wednesday, November 21st, when we came back to Houston.  Jeff and I bought groceries for Michael, Renee, and Sharon (Sharon is staying with Michael and Renee until she can find her own place), and cooked meals for them while we were there.  We plan to still have Thanksgiving at Mom's house tomorrow, with Sharon there as well.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...