Thursday, November 30, 2023

Keeping My Head Above Water...For Now...

I do not know what it is about the last few weeks, but it feels like management at work are losing their damn minds over the littlest things.  I've had some very difficult conversations with leadership over some very menial stuff. 

They aren't willing to allow me to hire anyone more on my team, but they expect me to find ways to cover shifts what would normally need an additional person.

They don't like that there are billing issues (not caused by us mostly, but caused by IT or Stores not sending orders)...yet we are being scrutinized because of the billing issues. This ties into the issue listed above. To accurately enough coverage to handle the issues, we'd need to hire and train someone who could not only assist in routing, but be able to effectively communicate the issues, how and when it was resolved, etc to leadership.

They want me to swap up my off days, which will cause issues with my family since everyone has re-arranged their time to accommodate my odd schedule. I'd not be able to spend time with family if I moved schedules, which would end up being a split shift...which I detest as well.  

Not sure how all of this is going to play out.  We'll see if I still have a job in a few weeks...

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...