Friday, November 23, 2007


Here I sit, on my day off, at a desk at work...routing, running invoices, and greenbars. I'm not even at my desk. I'm having to sit in the computer room to do all of this because I have to watch the large form printers to make sure they don't jam while printing. To top everything off, this is the Friday after Thanksgiving!!

I don't mind doing this, mind you. The person who filled in for me while I was in Florida worked a lot of overtime to cover for me as well. He only mildly complained about it too.

Earlier, one of the analysts from upstairs came down and was complaining about one of the customers getting shorted product today, and how we are having to go out there tomorrow. She then found out that the driver won't get paid for taking it tomorrow, so he'll probably bring it back. So, instead, she is having to take it out to them today. The whole time, she was complaining about it. Why? Do what you have to to get the job done. Don't complain about it!!! She just had to take 2 boxes of candy out to a customer. I'd be more than happy to take product out to a customer! It'd get me out of the office for a while!

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...