Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm tired

I'm tired. I'm tired of having to deal with certain things and certain people. It's really wearing me out. It's a good thing I actually have a head cold today...I can hide the fact that I'm upset and have been crying most of the day.

One of the board members quit last night at the board meeting. He made a real nasty scene when leaving too. I'm not apologizing for what I did...I nominated someone else for the vice president position. The guy told me that he wanted to step down and I took him for his word. I can't help it if I have told him multiple times that the nominating committee chair and the vice president position go hand in hand. It states that in the bylaws of the band. He later said that he just wanted to step off the nominating committee because he didn't like the fact that one of the people he wanted on the board didn't get on. The person he wanted on has to serve on a committee first. The board decided some time ago that all potential board members need to serve on a committee first. This nominee hasn't served on a committee at all yet. So, he was pissed at that and dropped the board.

Why don't the board members actually read the bylaws? He'd still be on the board had he read it, and also listened when I told him that the vp position was tied to the nominating committee!

I'm tired of the people who quit telling the board that I always get my way. I don't always get my way. I emailed the guy this morning and gave him examples of when I did not get my way. Maybe, just maybe, if these people who are making accusations actually did some work on the board, then they wouldn't feel that I always got my way.

I started thinking of quitting the board today. I guess I sent signals to Stephen and he sent me an email out of the blue saying not to quit, that 99% of the band is behind me, that most of the band knows and appreciates what I do, and not to quit. It helped, and made me feel some better. But, I'm still feeling really crappy about it. Jeff even helped, making me feel better too.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...