Sunday, March 16, 2008

dream interpretation

Recently, I have had two dreams that really bothered me when I woke up. I wasn't, and still aren't, sure why I was having the dreams. But, I went to the dream interpretation website that I frequent when wanting to know these things. I was quite shocked to learn what the dreams meant.

Dream #1: Apparently I am learning about some aspect of my life that needs changing, and it will be an irreversible change in my life once it occurs. I have anxieties about performance or my abilities in an area. I have repressed aggression or anger at myself, and have unrealized and unfulfilled goals.

Dream #2: I'm fearing change, and am ambivilant to seizing an opportunity. I feel unready, unworthy, or unsupported in my current circumstances. I am overwhelmed or conflicted with decisions about my future. I feel time is running out and that I do not have time to accomplish all the things I want (hello - ACB convention??).

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...