Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year...New Opportunities

It is amazing what can happen with a little faith. Our savings were getting very low, and as soon as the new year came around, I got 3 interviews within 24 hours. I accepted the position with Grocer's Supply, and will start this next week. I'm getting a payraise out of it as well. $4,000 a year to be exact.

Jeff is even benefitting from it as well. We went out and bought a Dodge Dakota today. He'd been wanting it for as long as he could remember. Nice, bright red truck. He is already talking about all the stuff he wants to add to it...rail guards, hood bras, etc. He even got online as soon as we got home and started looking up boats. I guess that will be our next big purchase together.

New Year New Travels New Weather

Jeff and I are finishing up our long holiday work weeks. We've been working mostly straight through since the middle of December. We...