Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I cannot believe the luck I have sometimes. I was trying to sleep last night through a massive thunderstorm. The electricity went off, and once it came back on, I reset my alarm clock and tried to go back to bed. That was about 3:45 this morning. Not long afterwards, Jeff comes in and tells me that we are flooded out. There was about an inch and a half of water throughout the entire house. Jeff's truck was flooded out too. Mom and David are over helping us clean stuff out and rip the carpet out. We'll survive somehow...not sure how right now though.
Bi-Polar Weather
We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...
Sometimes work and pleasure need to intermingle. Sometimes it helps clear the mind and to get one's priorities straight. I think that ...
At work, I am responsible for building delivery schedules for our customers during the holiday season. By holiday season, I mean Thanksgivin...
Every spring, I try to get out and drive around between our neighborhood and Brenham, to find some bluebonnets. I find that seeing bluebonne...