Monday, December 26, 2011

Traveling Abroad

For 4 1/2 years Jeff has heard me talk about wanting to go to Europe...more specifically anywhere in Ireland, and Paris.  I'd also love to travel to Australia as well.  For the entire time that I have told him about wanting to travel to these places, he has told me that he has not had any desire whatsoever to travel outside the United States. 

The four years that he spent in the Marine Corps jaded his view of other countries.  It wasn't really the Marine Corps was more military in general.  I think that if he had spent time in any one of the four branches, he would have felt the same way.  I'm also not sure if I would call it "jaded" either.  He says that he has seen first hand how and what other countries feel and think of Americans.  I do not doubt this.

The point that I have tried to make to him was that I was not planning on trying to blend in with the locals in these countries.  If and when I was to take these trips would be to go on an all inclusive trip where we would have an English-speaking guide, most activities and meals set up for us before hand, and be able to stay in well known hotels. 

Nope...not going to happen, according to Jeff.  If we want to see Paris, we can go to Las Vegas and go to the Paris Hotel and Casino.  If we want to go to someplace tropical, instead of going to Cancun, we can go to Puerto Rico so we won't need a passport.

This Christmas, I read to him, the Christmas letter one of my bandmates sent to us.  In the letter, she spoke of going with her daughter and high school band to Europe for a Band Trip.  They played all over Europe, sight-saw, and experienced local food.  It was all-inclusive, and they had a fantastic time. 

Now, Jeff is all for going overseas!  We've done some looking online, and Disney has a service that will set you up on these type of trips, albeit for a price.  But, you know you are getting top notch service since it is a Disney vacation!  I sure hope he continues this, and follows through with his word that we can now go to Europe or Australia.  One of his former co-workers has also invited us to come stay with them in New Zealand.  Hello!

Christmas and Richness

It is amazing how things come into perspective at certain times.  Here we are at Christmas time...the time of sharing, of giving, and of spending time with family.  It has also been one of the most difficult of years for everyone, with the economy horribly in recession, Texas dealing with a severe drought, and finances being tight.  But, we still managed to have a wonderful Christmas, full of surprises, presents, and good food.  We all sought out the best deals in the stores and online for presents, and were looking for deals in the grocery stores for food.  It feels like we have a lot more money than we do right now, and that is the way it ought to be.  We are not rich because we have a lot of money - we are rich because of the family and friends we keep around us. 

Of course, there are family members I wish were here with us, but that is a part of life.  We have done remarkedly well with what we have and how we have prepared everything.  That is the most important part.  I wish we could feel this way the entire year.  But that is what makes this time of year special. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Concert

This past Sunday, the band had its annual Christmas Concert.  It was a bittersweet day for me.  My manager had allowed me to take the day off to attend the concert, and my supervisor actually attended the concert.  We knew we needed a very good showing because we were financially strapped for the year, and needed to get as close as possible to ending up in the black.  What actually happened was beyond belief!  We sold 710 tickets to the concert, and ended up in the black for the year because of all the tickets sold!

One of the new things we have started doing since being at the church is that we have access to use the screens behind the band to put images on.  The youth group has also set up a concessions stand to sell drinks and snacks at, with proceeds helping out the church...of course the band also gets a little part of that as well. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I have lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day.  I am living with an absolutely amazing man, who loves me very much.  I have a job, a roof over my head and food on the table.  Even though we have our struggles, we come out ahead of the game on most everything.  On the things we don't, we try to find a way to make things positive

There are a lot of people who are out of work, who are struggling to put food on the table and pay the bills, and who are giving up on being able to have the life they once had.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Celebrating Labor Day

Jeff and I are once again celebrating Labor Day by spending time with Mom and David, and Mama.  It is really good to spend some time with them, I just wish that we could spend more time with them more often.  But, our schedules conflict too much too often.

Jeff and David went out to the firing range today and shot off David's pistols.  After they got back, everyone (except David) went out to Dollar Tree and Big Lots to look for stuff to use for the reception next year when we get married.  We found some great stuff and at very in expensive prices!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Wedding Planning

Jeff and I have decided that we will go to the court house to get married, and have a large reception for family and friends.  We are going to have a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs themed reception.  After doing some research on the fairy tale, we found out that it was a Bros. Grim story, set in Germany.  We've asked my step-dad and my brother to do the grilling of German food, and my mom to make the Apple Strudel and German Chocolate Cake for the cake table.  I'd like to have my sister-in-law be my right hand help on getting the theme and setting just right!

We decided that each party favor bag will relate to mirrors, apples, and mining.  Each attendee will get a handful of gems!

This will be the centerpiece, along with each of the seven dwarfs, on the cake table.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Beginnings

Tonight when Jeff and I get off work, we will be heading down to Texas City to help move his parents into an assisted living center. We think this is going to be a great move for everyone involved. His oldest sister has been taking care of them for a couple of years now, and has been able to completely finish up all of her schooling to become a nurse. They will now be able to get the complete care they need and couldn't get from Mendy. win-win situation!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Band Day 2011

Today was a very positive but very exhaustive work day for the band. Stephen, Ed, and I met up at 8 am at the storage unit to do some organizing and filing. After two hours there, we headed out and went by 12 different businesses to talk fund-raising, sponsorship, and advertising. All but one place either sounded interested or were ready to commit to helping us out. They all had to see what they could do to help out financially, and the interested parties had to check with higher ups as well. It was a great day!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Today Jeff and I are celebrating our 4th anniversary.  It is amazing how time flies by so fast.  I am completely in love with him!

August 18th, 2007 - one of our first few dates.

February 28, 2008 - A weekend trip to San Antonio

January 26th, 2009 - Touring the Republic of Texas Museum at the Washington-On-The-Brazos State Park.

August 8th, 2010 - A Trip to Dallas to tour the Dallas World Aquarium.

January 18th, 2011 - installing our new Rose Garden at the House.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Celebrating Freedom

Today we celebrated our country's 235th year of independence!  There has been a massive drought in Texas this year, so the state has banned all fireworks.  So, instead of shooting them, we decided to go to Mom and David's house.  While there we went to the firing range and shot guns off.  One way or another we were going to have some sparks flying this 4th of July!!

The usual barbeque was in order as well this year, with ribs, sausage, corn-on-the-cob, grilled veggies, grilled lobster, grilled stuffed jalapenos, and banana pudding.  Too much food, but also very good too.  When we weren't grilling, eating, or shooting guns, we were in the pool swimming!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Favorite clips

Found some of my favorite clips on youtube...thought I would share!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Tomorrow is our 4th annual Lone Star Symphonic Band Board Retreat.  Jeff will be cooking, as usual, as he has done the last three years.  We have a lot planned, and I have the feeling that I will not be sleeping much tonight because of nerves.  I'll be presenting about a third of the retreat, talking about publicity.

As I have reflected over the past retreats and looking forward to the retreat tomorrow, I have noticed that I really have grown.  I do still get nervous about getting in front of people to speak, but I think I can manage it a little better now than before.  I have forced myself to get in front of the band and board to make announcements, presentations, and speeches.  I have grown from the experience as well. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Over Memorial Day Weekend, Jeff and I headed to Texas City and Galveston to spend time with Jeff's family.  Jeff cooked his famous chicken enchiladas for the family...good, but very hot!  While we were down there, we went to Galveston and toured the Lone Star Flight Museum.  We very much enjoyed our trip "out of town" and to visit the family for awhile.  Catching up with loved ones is always important, and something that always needs to be worked on.  We'll do our part, and are glad to see the rest of the family doing their part too!

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Hobbies and weekends

I am really glad that Jeff has started collecting antique firearms.  He had told me that he had collected firearms years ago, but had to pawn them when he was very short on cash.  He has been feeling comfortable enough over the last year to purchase a handgun and 3 rifles to date.  I know it is a little straining on our income, but he is finding good deals on the guns, so he is not paying full price for them.

He has stopped purchasing model kits as he says that he has enough to get him through his retirement for now.  I'm sure he will look at them again at some point if he goes through the kits fairly quickly once he does retire.

I'm just happy that he has a hobby now to do on  his days off.  I don't think it is healthy to have nothing going on in your off days!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Father Winter has come

Jeff and I went up to Ft. Worth to see Michael and Renee for Michael's birthday on Monday, January 31st.  I had checked the weather online and saw that Monday's highs were in the 60's, so I thought we would be good for a great weekend out of town. 

We went to Nicky D's for lunch Monday, drove around Benbrook Lake, and got ice cream at Braum's.  Then we met Michael, Renee, Dad, and Sharon for dinner at Babe's Chicken in Arlington.  A great time was had by all!

BUT...Monday night, a severe cold front came through with rain, sleet, and snow.  We woke up on Tuesday with an inch of ice on the roads.  Jeff and I were stuck in Ft. Worth!  We had stayed in a hotel Sunday and Monday nights, but could not stay any longer because it was expensive!

We inched our way over to Uncle Jim and Lisa's, after slipping and sliding down the highway.  Jeff was so nervous that he got sick after getting to the house.  We were stuck until Thursday before being able to go home.  It was definitely an interesting trip!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Family Time

I am so ready for this coming time off Monday and Tuesday.  Michael's birthday is Monday, so we will be going up to Fort Worth to eat dinner with them.  We are driving up Sunday after work, and will come home on Tuesday.  It'll be a nice weekend get away!

I haven't been able to spend Michael's birthday with him in years, so this will be a nice occasion for Jeff and me.  We are also planning on going to Braum's for ice cream, and maybe going to Nicky D's for hamburgers.  That part is up in the air. 

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...