Friday, June 17, 2011


Tomorrow is our 4th annual Lone Star Symphonic Band Board Retreat.  Jeff will be cooking, as usual, as he has done the last three years.  We have a lot planned, and I have the feeling that I will not be sleeping much tonight because of nerves.  I'll be presenting about a third of the retreat, talking about publicity.

As I have reflected over the past retreats and looking forward to the retreat tomorrow, I have noticed that I really have grown.  I do still get nervous about getting in front of people to speak, but I think I can manage it a little better now than before.  I have forced myself to get in front of the band and board to make announcements, presentations, and speeches.  I have grown from the experience as well. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Over Memorial Day Weekend, Jeff and I headed to Texas City and Galveston to spend time with Jeff's family.  Jeff cooked his famous chicken enchiladas for the family...good, but very hot!  While we were down there, we went to Galveston and toured the Lone Star Flight Museum.  We very much enjoyed our trip "out of town" and to visit the family for awhile.  Catching up with loved ones is always important, and something that always needs to be worked on.  We'll do our part, and are glad to see the rest of the family doing their part too!

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...