Sunday, January 01, 2012

The Beginning of the End?

Here it is, the first day of 2012.  Many people say that the world is going to end this year, on 12/21/12.  Will it?  Who knows.  What I do know is that as I sit here on the dawn of a new year, I once again ponder my priorities.  Not that I am too overwhelmed with things to do this time around.  But, instead, knowing that this past year was one of ups and downs.  goods and bads.  And I am trying to decide if it was a year of mostly ups and goods or downs and bads.  If it was a year of mostly good things, than I will keep the status quo and continue on as planned.  If it was a year of mostly bads then I need to look to see what the problem areas are and change them.  Most of the question areas have to do with work.  

Things with Jeff are definitely good, and have never been better.  We are planning for a wedding and a honeymoon this year, as well as working on home improvements.  We have a plan, and hopefully we can stick to it.  I am looking forward to that this year!

New Year New Travels New Weather

Jeff and I are finishing up our long holiday work weeks. We've been working mostly straight through since the middle of December. We...