Friday, September 06, 2019

Dream: Restaurant with Family

Last night I had an interesting dream about family.

I was at a cafe with some family.  I know for sure my mom, and a few of Jeff's cousins were there, but I do not remember who else was with us.  We ate and as we were leaving, I looked over in the little niche area where the pitchers of tea and water were kept, as well as the computers for cashing out customers.  

In that niche area, I saw my dad standing there with his arms crossed, waiting for me to see him.  He was wearing the button down short sleeve type shirt that he would normally wear to work, and some slacks.  I knew instantly that what I was looking at was his spirit, since he had passed in real life 7 years prior, and I realized that I was not scared or afraid when seeing him.  

I approached him, and said "Oh wow! Can I touch you?" I was amazed that I could see his spirit, and that I was not afraid. He never said anything, just held out his hand for me to hold.  Also, I noticed that he smelled like he had been outside for a good amount of time.  We stood there for about 30 seconds hold hands, when my family approached...unaware that I was standing there with my dad...and said something to me (I don't know what it was).  I turned my head to look at them as they spoke, and then turned my head back around to my dad.  In that instant of turning to look at family and then back, my dad had disappeared.  

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...