Tuesday, January 02, 2024

New Year...Doing Some of the Same Old Things...

It is currently January 2nd, 2024. Jeff and I have headed out of town for our annual get-away after holiday billing to de-stress and de-compress.  This year we decided to head to Victoria, and stay at the Best Western. I found out that there is a small zoo in town, so we headed there to check out the Texas Zoo.  After that, we headed over to Victoria College, and visited the Museum of the Coastal Bend...located on campus. We also found out that Victoria has a Golden Corral, so we headed there for lunch.

Jeff works some tough days at the end of the year each December, with the only other night shift Line Service Technician taking the last two weeks off. I have spent many, many hours since September planning, setting up, and executing holiday delivery plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There were a lot of last minute changes this year that caused a lot of unwanted stress on my part.

Looking ahead, Band starts rehearsals again this coming Sunday, and that means the Annual Meeting. I've been writing down notes for my speech during the meeting. We won't be off again until after the Patriotic concert. 

Lots of work to do for the next three concerts, plus trying to get the Memorial Day Event again in Sugar Land. Also, scheduling next season's concerts with Bob and the church. Busy busy!!

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...