Thursday, November 26, 2009


Sometimes it is good to just reflect on what we have, being this is Thanksgiving. I have always wanted to have a family where his side and my side got along, and there were no "idiots" around. So many relationships I had were not like this in the past, and I never thought I would have the opportunity to have it. But now, looking back, I see that I have that with Jeff, and I like it a lot. I love his family, and I get along with them well. My family loves Jeff, and have taken him in as their own. It is a wonderful feeling.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I know I am going to have a really hard time sleeping tonight. And I hate that. Jeff and I went grocery shopping tonight, and got a ton of we were checking out, we heard some screaming coming from outside. Turns out a lady walking out from the grocery store was hit by a truck, and was laying on the street right in front of the exit. I feel so sorry for her!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Time flies when you are having fun

This coming Monday, Jeff and I will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary. It is truly amazing to me that we have made it 2 years and are still very much in love with each other. I am hoping for a lot longer of a relationship with him!

He is taking me to see the Phantom of the Opera this Tuesday, at the Hobby Center. We are staying the night downtown, at a Best Western. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I cannot believe the luck I have sometimes. I was trying to sleep last night through a massive thunderstorm. The electricity went off, and once it came back on, I reset my alarm clock and tried to go back to bed. That was about 3:45 this morning. Not long afterwards, Jeff comes in and tells me that we are flooded out. There was about an inch and a half of water throughout the entire house. Jeff's truck was flooded out too. Mom and David are over helping us clean stuff out and rip the carpet out. We'll survive somehow...not sure how right now though.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Too busy for my own good

I realize that I have been way too busy, and need to take some time off. In 3 weeks, I will be able to do that. The convention that I have been working so hard for will be taking place in a couple of weeks. It's been 3 years in the making. Time sure does fly!

I think this has make me an older person. I'm not really sure it's a good thing either.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year...New Opportunities

It is amazing what can happen with a little faith. Our savings were getting very low, and as soon as the new year came around, I got 3 interviews within 24 hours. I accepted the position with Grocer's Supply, and will start this next week. I'm getting a payraise out of it as well. $4,000 a year to be exact.

Jeff is even benefitting from it as well. We went out and bought a Dodge Dakota today. He'd been wanting it for as long as he could remember. Nice, bright red truck. He is already talking about all the stuff he wants to add to it...rail guards, hood bras, etc. He even got online as soon as we got home and started looking up boats. I guess that will be our next big purchase together.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...