Saturday, March 30, 2024

Yearning to Try Again

Several years ago, I attempted to launch my own YouTube channel. Let me rephrase that - I DID launch my own YouTube channel, but it did not go anywhere. I posted weekly content for a few years, but never got the views or the subscribers to be able to make any kind of revenue from it. I only got one check for $100, in 2-3 years of continuous uploads.

I was seeing it as an option to bring in money for Jeff and I to go on vacations once we retire. We were video recording our vacations, and I was making podcast style videos about vacation ideas, suggestions, and ways to save money, then posting the videos on the channel. 

Then, after I decided that the YouTube channel was not a viable option, I started making actual podcast episodes, and having them distributed through several of the normal podcast listening apps. While the YouTube videos were mainly based around Disney vacations, with some Las Vegas stuff sprinkled in...the podcasts were mainly Las Vegas episodes (including vacation ideas, weekend get-away options, history of the different casinos, etc.) with some Disney sprinkled in. I did this for a couple of years. 

There was an option to have ads run on your podcast, and that would generate revenue whenever someone would listen to the podcast. I would get a few cents for every listen. I never got a check through the podcast hosting site. I did have some change I was building up for payment, but it was less than a dollar and it had to reach the threshold of $100 before a check was cut. 

I stopped the podcasts because the hosting website went under and completely stopped hosting and distributing podcasts.  I would have continued creating and posting them, but I ended up filling my time with other things instead.

I am back to wanting to create something again. My only really sort of consistent creativity outlet (besides performing in the community band) has been posting to this blog...and even then I'm only posting about once a month and took quite a long time off there after my dad passed away. I don't know yet how often I would want to post or what I would want to post about - twice a week, once a week, once a month? What do I make the podcast episodes about - music, vacation information, just random talking, like how I post here on my blog? 

I've taken the time to create a Lone Star Bass Clarinet YouTube Channel, and have an email address with it. I am not sure if I want to create video style podcasts and post on YouTube, or if I want to try create more audio only podcasts and finding an outlet to upload and distribute those. 

I have the first steps taken care of. I just need to decide if starting to research and post again is something I'd really want to put my energy in to and do again.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...