Friday, April 19, 2024

Frustrations - Destress or Not to Destress?

The company I work for has a major project under way, which I am very involved in, designated as a Test Lead. This project has been in 2 phases...the first phase went live last year. Phase 2 is what is being worked on right now. There has been some set backs in the project, which has been in the works since the beginning of 2024. 

We were initially supposed to go live with the project in March, but that did not happen. Then they told us the project would go live at the end of April. I thought that would work well, as the band I play in has a concert the first weekend of May and the project would be well under way in production by that point...allowing me to perform in the concert.

Just found out this past week that the project has been set back again. We are now scheduled to go live the weekend of the concert, meaning I am not able to perform in the concert that weekend. I am super frustrated as this is the one outlet I have to destress and decompress from work, and from every day life. 

I really hope that it does not get pushed back again, as we are going to be out of town in the middle of May for our birthdays. My manager knows though about the travel, so he will need to make other plans if testing needs to be done that week.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...