Saturday, May 18, 2024

Just Wanting to go Home

For our birthdays this year, we decided to spend 5 days total in Fredericksburg, Texas. We toured the National Museum of the Pacific War, toured the Pioneer Museum, checked out the Old Tunnel State Park, LBJ State Park, LBJ National Park, Enchanted Rock State Park, Pedernales Falls State Park, did 2 different wine tastings, did a beer tasting, went Antique shopping, and walked Main Street window shopping in the stores there. We went by Fort Martin Scott to check it out, but it was closed. Mom and David decided to join us on this trip, and we had a great time with them!

After getting home on Thursday, May 16th, an intense storm came through. A confirmed F1 Tornado touched down in the Katy/Cypress area. It actually began not far from our house and did some extreme damage to electrical lines around Grand Parkway and West Road, about 15 minutes from our house.

Several houses in the neighborhood saw damage to the roof shingles being torn off. As of now, we do not see any damage to our house, thank God! But power has been out since Thursday, and it is not expected to be back on for days to weeks from now. Power lines that feed into the neighborhood have either snapped in half or have fallen down. As of Saturday, May 18th, nothing has been done to begin repairs of those power lines.

Mom and David did not lose power at their house in Brenham, so we have temporarily relocated to Brenham until we can get back in our house. We were home for a grand total of 4 hours before having to head to Brenham. On our drive to Brenham, we passed 5 trees that had fallen over the road, and were being moved off the road by locals.

Bellville had downed power lines as well right at the golf course, and they were repaired on Friday. Several school districts closed on Friday because they had no electricity to supply the classrooms!

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...