Saturday, October 05, 2024

Get-aways and Holiday Madness...When Will It End?

Jeff and I really do enjoy getting away for the weekend. When I say weekend, I mean our days off. We don't have the typical weekends off like everyone else does. My work schedule is Wednesdays through Sundays, working during the day while Jeff works over night Thursdays nights through Monday mornings.

I do sometimes get bothered by the fact that we work opposing schedules. While most of the time I am ok by it - he's usually in bed asleep for most of the day so the house is quiet while I am working (I work remotely), but when planning a weekend get-away (there's that word again), we can't just leave Sunday afternoon or evening once we are off work and come back Tuesday afternoon or evening. Jeff gets up 2-3 hours after I am completing my work day to start getting ready for his work day. 

That means we can't head out until he gets home from his work day, which is between 6 and 8 am Monday morning. That leaves us with only Monday evening away wherever we are going before we need to head back home on Tuesday for me to prepare for work Wednesday morning. Meanwhile, Jeff doesn't have to start preparing to go back to work until Thursday morning!

We either have to do a short trip somewhere that could normally be done as a day trip, or I have to plan to take Wednesday off work to add that second day in for our weekend together. Occasionally Jeff will take Sunday night off work, so we can go ahead and head out when I am off work Sunday afternoon. I'd love to be able to leave out on a Sunday afternoon, coming back on a Tuesday. But I have a feeling that won't be happening until Jeff retires, or is able to find a less physical no longer outside job, like what he has now.

On that same note...holidays at the end of the year get crazy as well, and I'm looking forward to when Jeff no longer has to deal with that too. I can pretty much work from anywhere as long as I have good internet connection and my laptop. Jeff's job is not remote, and will never have that option to be. Coupled with the fact that the only other person who works overnights at his job takes off the last 2-3 weeks of the year...every year, leaving Jeff to have to cover both their shifts for 21+ days straight is getting really old.

There's no consideration for Jeff being able to take time off to spend with family during the holidays. He's spoken up about it the last couple of years at work, and slowly, other people on other shifts have taken some of the night shifts to give him some time off to be with his family. More needs to be done to correct that.

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...