Saturday, November 30, 2024

Surviving the Holidays

We've made it through another Thanksgiving holiday. Things have been so crazy this month that I almost forgot that I had not yet posted anything. 

I'm still responsible for making all holiday delivery changes for the holiday week. has changed up a bit this year compared to all the other years I have done the scheduling. Looking back, it has been my responsibility now for 5 years, going on 6 years this coming spring. 

Customer Service used to write the schedule for our customers to get deliveries during the holiday week (we are closed on Thanksgiving, so no billing, selection, or delivering on the actual holiday itself). So, customers who normally get either a delivery or they are due in with their orders on Thursdays have to bill and deliver another day. We would double check the projected changes behind them, and then they would implement the changes into the system.

Five years ago, it changed to me making the changes and implementing into the system. The person in Customer Service decided he did not want to continue to do it any longer, so he trained me how to do it. I would go through the spreadsheets (5 in total: Grocery/Frozen, Meat, Produce, DFW area Meat, and DFW area Produce) and make sure everything matched by store by billing, upload into the mainframe, and verify it was correct. Then I would work with Customer Service after they had sent the schedules to the stores to make edits to the schedule as needed.

Now, it is a bit different. Instead of having 5 separate spreadsheets, everything is populated in one spreadsheet. So, all the product types are grouped together by store, which makes it easier to go through. There is a separate team responsible for implementing the schedules into the system, so I have to be quicker in my edits so they have time to get it uploaded and verified. 

Besides all of that, now we have to get approvals from leadership in the warehouse, transportation, and sales before we can send the changes to the teams that maintains the schedules. And...if customer service says that the customers do not like their schedules...OH WELL. No changes are made - we can bill something off schedule, but we cannot edit their holiday schedule. 

As we are in the middle of Thanksgiving planning, I had to rush through and complete the Christmas schedule edits. We are now in the process of getting them approved by leadership so it can begin the upload process to the system. Never ending madness around here!

Bi-Polar Weather

We have just started February...within the last month, we have had 2 very cold spells (one of which included actual snowing in Houston), a t...